Possibilities of financial support

At the moment things are very different from former times. Some of you may get along well, some of you may cope with difficulites. If you need support in urrgent financial problems or just want to talk you can contact us (the contact you can see above).Then we try to find a solution together. Some information about the support you can find below. From April 20th we will answer your request.

Weiterlesen: Possibilities of financial support 

30 Sekunden - 30 seconds

30 Sekunden sollen wir uns Händewaschen - 30 Sekunden dauert es, ein Vater unser zu beten.

Lass uns das nutzen, um füreinander zu beten!


30 seconds we should wash our hands. 30 seconds it takes to pray a our father.

Let us use this to pray for each other!





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